Erika Sasseville | Theatre BA, Political Science BS, Film Studies Minor

Ericka graduated from UMD SFA in 2015

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Steve Irwin

What major[s]/minor[s] did you graduate with?
BA Theatre/Political Science and Film Studies minor

Where do you live these days?
Twin Cities

Where do you work? What kind of work do you do?
AMC Theatres, directing shows for Bloomington Public Schools, Improv performance around the Twin Cities.

How are you involved with the arts in your current community?
Direct theatre performances for young children/Middle schoolers, Improv performer.

What was your favorite class or project in college?
Either Art History with Jennifer Webb or Improv with Tom Isbell

How did SFA professors influence you?
They were full to bursting with passion and joy in their subjects. It made learning fun and the topics far more interesting.

What advice would you give to a incoming Theatre student?
Try classes in as many different disciplines as you can while in the SFA. I took classes in Art, Music, and theatre while a student and I'm a better artist for it.

What was your favorite local Duluth hangout in college?
Besides MPAC?

What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you since graduating from UMD SFA?
Performing with a local Improv troupe and realizing I could pursue it as more than a hobby.

What was your biggest takeaway from UMD SFA?
Keep trying new things. Never stop following your dreams.

How did you make the decision to attend UMD for school?
I loved the area and at the time I was going for Biology and they told me you didn't have to be a major to do theatre.... then halfway through freshman year I became a theatre major!

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