Stephanie Hammon | Theatre BFA, Acting Emphasis

Stephanie graduated from UMD SFA in 2013.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An actor 

What major[s]/minor[s] did you graduate with?
BFA Acting

Where do you live these days?
Anoka, MN

Where do you work? What kind of work do you do?
I work at Riverview Early Childhood Center as an early childhood special education para

How are you involved with the arts in your current community?
I'm about to start my fifth season as a performer with the MN Renaissance Festival, and have attended events through them throughout the Twin Cities area.

What was your favorite class or project in college?
I loved Improv and Musical Theater Audition Techniques

How did SFA professors influence you?
I often find myself saying "play with purpose," "dare to suck," and "champions adjust!" Basically, to give it my all, make it count and know my worth as a performer. 

What advice would you give to a incoming theatre student?
Don't take yourself too seriously, and to remember that performing is fun; if you aren't having fun, there's an adjustment that needs to be made

What was your favorite local Duluth hangout in college?
Canal Park

What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you since graduating from UMD SFA?
I fell into my first year at the Renaissance Festival. The community of artists there is unparalleled; it's a culture of opportunity, creation, and support.

What was your biggest takeaway from UMD SFA?
If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right.

How did you make the decision to attend UMD for school?
Honestly, I followed a (now ex) boyfriend here! I was all ready to transfer to the Twin Cities. Luckily, spring semester of my freshman year, I took Acting and Audition techniques and had an "a-ha" moment.