Needdlework: Rethinking Vulnerability and Resistance

Local gallery features UMD alumni, Candace Lacosse's work along with many other artists in Needlework exhibition

Neddlework: Rethinking Vulnerability and Resistance 
Prøve Gallery 21 N Lake Ave Duluth, MN 55802 June 9th, 2017. 

Opening Reception: 7-10pm

We've asked local, national and international artists who work with the Fiber Arts, soft goods, leather and textiles if there is intentional resistance in the process or final aesthetic of their work.

Prøve is happy to welcome folks to join us to our space to see the dynamic and intersectional display of vulnerability and resistance on our walls. 

Local participating Artists include: Candace Lacosse, Karen McTavish, Kirsten Aune and Scot Lunt. 

The fiber arts are more than simply a neutral medium because they are heavily intertwined with the history of sexuality and gender. For a contemporary artist to embrace and work with such history, they choose to engage with intent. They choose to create an intimate, vulnerable, and tactile experience through transformation. 
In a world where quantity is valued over quality and society takes more pride in commercial consumerism than in handmade goods, fiber artists resist. 

They express personal narratives through materiality that can allow itself to be fragile and delicate or jarring and loud, utilitarian or decorative. Thus the process, the final product, the concept and engagement with fibers becomes an act of resistance. 
The artist participates in the process of questioning, analyzing, and deconstructing assumptions and the hierarchies of values that have existed around gender, class, race, and ethnicity.

Show will be up until July 15th, 2017.
Open Hours Thursday-Saturday* 4:00-7:00pm through July 25th.

Call or email to set a different private appointment. 
Publication Date