Joshua Stenvick | Theatre BFA, Acting

Joshua graduated from UMD SFA in 2014

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a kid I wanted to be pretty typical kid things; fireman, a lumberjack or Santa Claus. I really had no idea what I truly wanted to do until I was an "adult".

What major[s]/minor[s] did you graduate with?
I graduated with a BFA in acting.

Where do you live these days?
I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Where do you work? What kind of work do you do?
I do anything I can collect money for. I've painted houses, cut grass, weeded gardens...last week I painted a floor for a studio involved with a film. It all depends on the week.

How are you involved with the arts in your current community?
I audition acting roles, fist and foremost. But the most important thing I do is carry on a dialogue and relationship with the other artists in the community. There are a ton of great ones here that are not only fantastic artists, but amazing humans. So I continue to learn from them and we talk about art and what's going on in the world and most importantly, we dream out loud!

What was your favorite class or project in college?
That is a tough question. I would have to say a playwriting class I took was one of my favorite courses. Except for chapter 7. Everything else about it was perfect.

How did SFA professors influence you?
I will never forget Tom Isbell and the influence he has had on my life to this date. I don't know if we're suppose to name drop or not, but his advice and his constant support and belief in me carried me through my years at UMD. Be where you are.

What advice would you give to a incoming theatre student?
Take the work seriously, but not yourself. Be ready and accepting for your plan to changed. School is about learning as much as it is about growing.

What was your favorite local Duluth hangout in college?
Any place on the water, Burrito Union, watching the Renegade crew.

What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you since graduating from UMD SFA?
I am inspired every day. I don't have a story about "making it" or making a million dollars, but I am incredibly happy I know one day my story will come.

What was your biggest takeaway from UMD SFA?
After leaving UMD there was no doubt in my mind that I needed to pursue acting. That I needed to be around acting in any way possible. It really solidified the feeling that this is what I was meant to do.

How did you make the decision to attend UMD for school?
Like any good story, it starts with a girl.

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