FLL Has Award-Winning Faculty

Two FLL faculty members recognized with CLA teaching awards

Each year the UMD College of Liberal Arts recognizes outstanding teaching through awards for faculty in three categories: term faculty, tenure-track faculty and tenured faculty. This year two of the three awards went to members of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures: Dr. Holly Brining, Assistant Professor of German Studies, and Dr. Jennifer Brady, Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies. The awards program offered the following tribute to these fabulous teachers:

Holly Brining, instructor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, believes the role of a teacher of foreign languages does not end when class is over. She wants students to discover language and culture embedded in the community: "Increasing interest in the subject can have a positive effect on the learners' motivation, which in turn can aid the learning process itself." One former student noted that Brining's passion for teaching is evident in the way she invites students to be part of class discussions: "she even went so far as to show the class a video regarding LGBT families in Germany, an act, to me, that dignified this community and displayed these relationships as normal. As a member of this community, I hold this memory as one of her shining moments as my professor."

Dr. Jennifer Brady's approach to teaching in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures embodies the CLA Teaching Award's emphasis on innovation and creativity. From having students search for apartments for rent in Madrid to partnering with students at another university in a "tandem learning" project, Dr. Brady seeks out ways to excite and engage students: "Learning happens when students feel valued and safe. My classes and co-curricular events offer students an engaging and challenging environment in which they become very successful." One student noted that Brady creates both a challenging environment and the opportunity to succeed: "Everyone knows they can rely on her to  be a guide, an ear to listen, and a positive influence during our time here, but additionally she even emphasizes the desire to remain in contact after graduation."

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