Assessment and Learning Outcomes

Journalism B.A. Program Outcomes:

The Journalism program at UMD strives to provide students a path of study that focuses on core skills and ways of thinking critically about mass media, and is further developed in real-world application.

  1. Demonstrate local engagement and global competence through written journalistic work.
  2. Tell stories across multiple media appropriately. 
  3. Critically analyze media messages in a diverse, globalized media landscape.
  4. Demonstrate creativity and entrepreneurial spirit through journalistic work.
  5. Demonstrate a problem-solving approach to the practice of journalism.
  6. Communicate through effective writing.


The Journalism program has a routine assessment schedule with several classes having been the specific focus of semester-long assessment efforts. We will continue to assess our program and our classes using the established routine set out in the Communication Department. The Journalism program will continue to use a portfolio system both in class and in the program overall to evaluate student work and assess our six learning outcomes.