ELWS Alum Publishes Poetry in The North Meridian Review

Nate Hawlish has recently published poetry in The North Meridian Review. 

Nate recently completed his MA in English at UMD (with an emphasis, a passion, for Faulkner and southern literary traditions).  He is currently in his first semester of doctoral study (with an emphasis in Textual Studies) at Kent State University. 

While a student, Nate has found meaningful work.  “My employment history with mental health and disenfranchised peoples led me to accepting a position with a non-profit organization, Path Towards Independence, which houses and supports people with developmental disabilities in the Kent area.”

Nate sends regards to all his colleagues and fellow students in Duluth:  “I'm having a good time integrating with the Ohio community!”  Nate has kindly included excerpts of his poems below.  Full texts can be found in the journals.  

No. You're 007 (excerpts)


On the evening television drama

my school sweetheart watched

surgeons sew stitches.

Healing hearts.


By the light of a splintered screen

I watch the same show

years later…  

Smiling Helps 


The sudden grimace

 of “I think I know your mom.”

Faces falling like the last slushman 

of a five-month winter

all brown streaks and pointy noses.

“I’m so sorry what happened?”

I wish I could show them

her memory, thrown like the snowbanks 

I used to shove my brothers face into.

He and I would stand outside 

until our big toes were numb 

just numb.

Lessons of the Father  (excerpts)


And afterward I walked outside in my father’s shoes

which marked the entrance 

to our home

like the wooden signs

with burnt out letters.


I walked behind the house

plodding through puddles

placing wood in the furnace to heat our home...

Nephew  (excerpts)


Mom was a yeller

like an open window with ears ringing...

Incident Report: Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)  (excerpts)


AC giggled in his room and stifled his pain.

The shock left him in darkness...

Publication Date