Editor's Note

Photo of Whitney Walters

Welcome to the 2019-2020 edition of CLArion! It has been utterly invigorating to observe and talk with the faculty, students, and alumni highlighted in this issue.

From growth at UMD’s Land Lab and traditions maintained in American Indian Studies, to transportation in the Twin Cities and housing projects based in Colorado, sustainability has been and looks to be an essential a part of the College of Liberal Arts for many years to come.

Many people I spoke with were eager to recognize the web of support behind their environmental actions, whether teachers, departments, friends, or community members. Sam Domeier, Cole Grotting, and Travis Black all credited Mindy Granley, UMD’s former Director of Sustainability, as a key person in their career paths.

Likewise, everyone underscored how critical it is that sustainability, whether environmental, economic, or social, continue to be developed and supported across generations, locations, and cultures. Despite the many challenges present in our world, it seems that there is much to be hopeful for.

If you have a story, accomplishment, publication, milestone, or comment to share, please email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

Whitney Jacobson
Editor, CLArion